In June of 2021, Sesame Collective opened Lil’ Shalom, a sister concept to Shalom Y’all. Lil’ Shalom centers around being a place to live in the moment, focused on quick bites from day into night. The menu is casual - featuring hummus, salads, and sandwiches.

Lil’ Shalom is located at 1128 SW Alder St, Portland, OR 97205. For more information, visit or follow us on Instagram @lilshalompdx.


  • Q: When did you start working with Sesame Collective?
    January 2019.

    Q: Tell me a little about your background in hospitality, how did you get into the business?
    A friend of mine got me my first real cooking job at a sushi bar in '02. Since then I've cooked upscale bar food, hand made pasta, pizza, and farm to table fine dining.

    Q: Where are you from?
    Grew up in Texas. Moved to Hawaii during high school. Spent some time in Alaska before settling in Oregon.

    Q: Favorite food?
    Crawfish Etouffee

    Q: What did you want to be growing up?
    Astronomer, Architect, Demolition Expert

    Q: Any pets? What are their names?
    Kitty named Apollo.

    Q: Who is someone you admire and why?
    Cliff Burton. Best bass player. Ever.

  • Q: When did you start working with Sesame Collective?
    A: September 2022!

    Q: Tell me a little about your background in hospitality, how did you get into the business?
    A: I started working in restaurants when I was 16 making pizza!

    Q: Where are you from?
    A: San Diego, CA

    Q: If we went to Happy Hour what would you order?
    A: Always have to get some fries

    Q: What pets do you have, if any? What are their names?
    A: Yes! two cats, Mr. Man and Miss Kitty

    Q: What's something you're surprisingly good at?
    I'm pretty good at rock, paper, scissors